We had many fun festivities this year. We went out with my family a few weeks earlier to celebrate our birthday, Joey's (nephew) and my grandmas. We all have birthdays in January! First we started out by bowling, and let me tell you that was a BLAST! My dad brought his own ball and everything! We call him "THE HAMMER" he is hilarious. I am the WORST at bowling, I think maybe I broke 50, YIKES! But, it was so much fun. After we went to my most favorite place ever Tepanyaki. It was so fun, Kyle was loving putting this menu on his head. Then we came back to our house for presents and this incredible cake that my sister made, it was a circus train, she is so talented, thanks Melis!

On Friday Jan. 30 we went out to Texas Roadhouse with Casey's family. It was great fun. Funny story, the waitress brought out our food, and I wasn't really paying attention to Kyle, and I look around at him after a while, and there his is putting his hand on the steak that is still on the tray that the waitress had brought out for someone else, WHOOPSIE! I grabbed his hand and wiped it off before the waitress could see, luckily the steak went to someone at our table, I guess I will have to watch Kyle more carefully!!

Saturday Jan. 31, I planned a surprise DAY for Casey. We woke up and had some yummy breakfast, then we took Kyle to my mom and dad's and they were so sweet and watched him while we went to a movie (thanks mom and dad), we love you. We went to "Bride Wars" it was hilarious! Then we picked Kyle up and we went to Famous Daves where our friends came and we had a great time, then they came to our house after for some catching up, it was so fun!

Thanks so much everyone for the great birthday and fun times, we love you all!!