Tuesday, April 29, 2008

First Real Meal!!

Kyle tried his first meal of rice cereal. He was trying so hard to figure out what I was putting in his mouth, and what he should do with it. He liked the first few bites, but after that he would start crying and just spit it back out. I kept feeding him the rice cereal for about a week, and then we tried sweet potatoes. He really wasn't a big fan. I just got a whole lot of "scrunched up nose faces" from him, so I decided we would hold off a little longer on the cereal and baby food, and I think that Kyle is fine with that (hee hee!)

We are so excited for the summer. I put Kyle in some of his summer outfits, and took some pictures. I know that is kind of lame, but I just love dressing him up, and then taking his picture. I just can't help it, he is so dang cute!

Kyle also loves to take his bath. By the end of his bathing process we both are drenched, because he thinks it is so funny to splash and get me wet! I can't help but laugh, he is my little sweetheart!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Rolling Over!!

On April 7, 2008 it finally happened, Kyle rolled over! I was so excited I yelped, and it scared Kyle and he started to cry, whoops. I can't believe the things that excite me, I love it. Kyle is getting so big right before our eyes.

We just took Kyle to his 4 month check up and he is 26" long which is in the 95% for his age. He is super tall and skinny. He only weighs 12.8lbs, but the doctor says that is just fine, so we were excited. He is such a little sweetheart, and we love him so much!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Kyle Playing

Kyle's Progress

Kyle is growing up so very quickly, I can't believe it, he is almost four months. He is learning how to do so many new things. He loves hanging out on dad's shoulders. His head has finally become steady, wahoo, no more bobblehead! He has discovered his hands, and he entertains himself by sucking on them! He loves to laugh and coo. Sometimes I feel like an idiot, because I will make the biggest fool out of myself just to get a little coo or laugh out of him and I think inside Kyle is really laughing at what a nerd I am, but I don't care because he is just so precious and I love to see him happy! I love being Kyle's mom it is the greatest ever!


Easter was great this year! We had dinner at my mom's house and it was yummy! After the dinner we had our annual easter egg hunt. Now, I must say that I am the worst egg hunter in the world. I only found two eggs, and Casey came in with the highest egg count as always. Kyle isn't really interested in eggs and candy this year, but next year, "LOOK OUT!" I think that he is going to love food. We had so much fun with my mom and dad, and my sister and her family and relatives. After we went to my mom's house, we went over to Casey's grandma's house and had the annual popcorn, gummy worm, and peep treats. It was great fun.

I am truly grateful for this Easter season, and what Easter really means. I am grateful for the atonement of Jesus Christ and that he died for all of us so that we could return to live with our Heavenly Father again, and be forever families!