Monday, September 24, 2012

Blake 6 months!!

My sweet little baby is 6 months old!  I can't believe it!  These are some of the things he LOVES:

-He loves to suck on his toes!
-He loves to eat! (He has started fruits, vegies, and cereal)
-He loves toys!
-He loves watching and playing with his brothers!
-He has 4 teeth and loves to try them out on things!
-He loves to smile!
-He loves to be held!
-He love to jump!
-He just learned how to sit, and loves it!
-He loves doing (mission impossible on his tummy)!
-He loves to talk!

Length: 28.7 in 97%
Weight: 17 lbs 8 ozs 44%

**I Love you sooo much little Blakers!  You are always talking and laughing.  You are such a sweetheart and we love you in our family!  Happy 6 month b-day love you baby boy!