This last saturday morning we went on a hike to waterfall canyon! It was fantastic. The weather was not too hot and not too cold. Kyle loved being in his snugli on Casey's chest. I couldn't believe how much water run off there was. The waterfall was huge and beautiful! I am so grateful to live in this land, and I am so blessed to have the family that I do. I love them with all of my heart!
Kyle in the snugli with daddy!

We finally made it to the top, and I was famished. I am sooooo out of shape! (That granola bar tasted better than anything ever has!!)
Cheese!! It was freezing in front of the falls, so we were really shivering in our shoes during this photo.

Kyle was super worn out on the way down from the hike, and he fell right to sleep as we headed back down the mountain! (cute!)

We love spending time as a family, and this hike was fantastic!
This is Hayley Alberts (from the married ward). I found your blog off of Susan's. Your lil' guy is so cute! I never did get to see him-when we left you were just a tiny pregnant girl. This day looked like a lot of fun!
Those pics are gorgeous!! Did someone come with you and take those..because if you did that with your timer I am SO impressed! Such a cute family! I haven't done that hike since young womens...i really should take more advantage of the beautiful surroundings. you look great!!
Did you go with the ward? Good for you! We just don't go to activities anymore and it's so lame of us because that is the best way to be involved with making your ward have that "family" feel. Kyle is just so cute! I sat behind you in R.S. last week, and I thikn he likes me, he was hamming it up for me.
Oh, look at you guys! How fun! And Jackie, you look so great! You don't look a bit out of shape! I bet Kyle loved being in that fresh air, walking around attatched to his daddy! He's such a cutie pie. And your mom is so amazing! I need to send her a card. I'm so slow. You crack me up, with that parking job! You must have been in one hurry:)
You guys look like you had a lot of fun! There is a lot of water running off of there. It is beautiful. I went a few years back when we did not have a lot of snow or rain and there was not that much water running off.
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