Our little son is a MISCHIEF MAKER!! I think the second he turned 1, he decided he wasn't making enough mischief, and so these are the things he's been up to since his birthday!
Biting his crib, YIKES!
Crawling into the cupboards!
Taking pots and pans out, and sucking on funnels!
PS. Even though he's a stinker, we wouldn't trade him for the world!!
haha, he looks so happy to be getting into mischief!! how can you get mad at that face!?! i love it though...i swear that is my day...picking up all the things that coop throws throughout the house...too funny
I can't believe Kyle is 1!!! That went so fast! I totally cried the night before Emma turned 1. You blink and their little baby phase is over. Bummer about the teeth marks on the crib, that happened to ours too. Your Christmas tree looks really pretty. Is it flocked? I love flocked trees. Thanks for the Christmas card, sorry I didn't get mine out this year.
I just love it! He is so dang cute! He just loves getting into things. You can tell by his face
haha, he looks so happy to be getting into mischief!! how can you get mad at that face!?! i love it though...i swear that is my day...picking up all the things that coop throws throughout the house...too funny
I can't believe Kyle is 1!!! That went so fast! I totally cried the night before Emma turned 1. You blink and their little baby phase is over. Bummer about the teeth marks on the crib, that happened to ours too. Your Christmas tree looks really pretty. Is it flocked? I love flocked trees. Thanks for the Christmas card, sorry I didn't get mine out this year.
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