Kyle is 15 months old! I can't believe it, time is flying by! Here are a few things about him at this stage!
-Weight 21 lbs. (5%)
-Height 31.5 inches (75%) *Tall and skinny boy*
-Loves to get into everything!
-Loves waving at everyone!
-Loves to be tickled, and when you stop tickling him he will tickle himself, and say this, "tica-tica-tica"! It is so cute.
-He can say: ma ma- mom
da da- dad
duck- duck
tica- tickle
sh- fish
He still can't walk, but he is a crawling maniac! We love our little guy so very much!

What a stud! Time passes so quickly, it is crazy!! I love his spiked hair-so cute! I am jealous that he only weighs 21 lbs. Ryan is killing me-he is 17-18 lbs already. I can only imagine what he will be at 15 months-maybe 50 at this rate-ha ha! Kyle is just adorable-love these pictures!
I can't believe he's 15 months!! Where does the time go?! It seems like we were all just barely pregnant! He is such a hansome little boy, he's going to be a little heartbreaker!
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