So I wanted to get Kyles picture taken when he was 2, but I wanted fall leaves, so I gues 23 months can count as 2. My sister wrote a "mommy's letter to her little boy, and I thought it was such a good idea, so here it goes."
My sweet Kyle,
You are my joy! I wake up and can't wait to start our day together. You love so many things. Your most favorite thing in the whole world is Nemo "MEEMOO" You absolutley love anything to do with fish or Nemo. You love to play with trains, and trucks! You know the sounds they make and everything. You are starting to learn your colors, and I get a kick out of you trying to learn new words. You still love your "boon-nay" (bink and blank) for bed time.
You have 4 staple things you like to eat; chicken nuggets, cheese sandwich, juice, and pizza. Thank goodness for vitamins!!
You adore your daddy and your daddy adores you!! You wake up and look all over the house for him. When he comes home from work you scream his name and run as fast as you can to give him hugs! I love watching the two of you play together!
You love to brush your teeth all by yourself! You also are learning to use a big boy potty, yeah, I am so excited as are you. You LOVE doing things by yourself, and I am so proud of you!!
Kyle I am so grateful that you are a part of our family, it wouldn't be complete without you! I will love you forever my sweet little baby boy!
Love always,
Your Mommy
Oh my! SOOOO Cute!! I LOVE the "letter" idea. What a great thing to have. You are such a great example of what a family should be! Thank You! Love you guys.
He does not even look like a baby anymore he looks like a little man,s so sad but so fun all at the same time. I love the pictures they are so adorable.
I LOVE THESE PICS!! he is so cute. how's the potty training going?
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