Monday, November 29, 2010

New Happenings!

I can't believe our little baby is almost 2 months. In that two month time, we have been doing alot of sleeping, playing, bubble baths, and more sleeping!!!
ps (Kyle loves to get every toy he has in his room and put it in a HUGE pile, and then say, "Mom, can you PLEASE clean up that mess!") Ummmm, let me think nope! He makes me laugh every day, he is our little clown, love him!!


Halloween was sooo fun! Kyle LOVED being a dragon, he is all about dragons, snakes, and dinosaurs!! Complete boy!! Luke was a monster for Halloween, even though in real life he is a total angel! We had Halloween parties at both our families houses.

Kyle LOVED going trick-or-treating! I stayed home with Luke, but Casey took Kyle out, and it was pouring rain! Casey said that Kyle was the nicest little trick-or-treater ever! He would say, "Thank you so much!" after every person gave him some candy! What a little sweetheart! I love my boys! Casey also dressed up on Halloween! I LOVE my sweet old man husband!