Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Luke is 4 months old!


Luke is 4 months old!! I can't believe it. He is more adorable than ever. Some names he goes by: Lukie, Little chief, Little man, Luksters! He is all smiles! He is always smiling every time I look at him. I look over at him in the morning, and all I see are him gums because he is smiling so big!! He LOVES to eat, his diet consists of rice cereal 2 times a day, and six 7 oz. bottles daily. He loves to play with his brother, and watches every move he makes. We love our little Lukie more than ever!

4 month stats:
Height: 27.76 inches 98%
Weight: 17 lbs. 75%
Head: 43.9 cm 81%


Katie and Rob said...

What cute boys you have, Jackie! Little Luke is such a handsome little man :) Of course Kyle is too! Love Luke's long, dark hair!!!