Monday, September 24, 2012

Blake 6 months!!

My sweet little baby is 6 months old!  I can't believe it!  These are some of the things he LOVES:

-He loves to suck on his toes!
-He loves to eat! (He has started fruits, vegies, and cereal)
-He loves toys!
-He loves watching and playing with his brothers!
-He has 4 teeth and loves to try them out on things!
-He loves to smile!
-He loves to be held!
-He love to jump!
-He just learned how to sit, and loves it!
-He loves doing (mission impossible on his tummy)!
-He loves to talk!

Length: 28.7 in 97%
Weight: 17 lbs 8 ozs 44%

**I Love you sooo much little Blakers!  You are always talking and laughing.  You are such a sweetheart and we love you in our family!  Happy 6 month b-day love you baby boy!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012


I can't believe how fast the summer has gone by!  I love my boys more and more every day!  I am so grateful for a family that loves me, and a husband that I could never live without!  The kids are growing like little weeds, and learning more and more every day!  Here are a few things each of us has been up to:


Kyle you are growing up so fast, and I love you so much!!!  You are a little busy body!  You love to be up and moving.  I can't believe you are going to preschool this year!  I can't wait for all of the things you will learn.  You are a HUGE fan of super heros!  You love spiderman, ironman, Hulk (you call him Hook,) transformers, and batman are your favorites!  You are my little superhero!  I will always love you my sweet buddy!
Playing with friends!!

  Swimming at Bear Lake

 Playing with cousins

 Racing through a bouncehouse!  (Love his intent face!)

  Being an amazing brother!

  Running in a race!

Heading to the zoo!

My sweet little Lukie.  You make me laugh everyday!!!  I love coming in to get you in the morning, and you say "MOOOMMMMYYYY!!!"  I love that you think you are soooo funny!  You are learning so many new words!  You LOVE trains, and if there is a train around, you will find it and scream as loudly as you can "CHOOOO CHOOOOO"!!  You also really love to color, and wear hats!  I will always love you my sweet Lukie!

  Coloring while wearing his favorite fireman hat

  Throwing rocks in the river (an exciting thing)

    LOVES to slide at the park

 Riding the jet ski with Daddy

 Playing in the sand and water at Bear Lake (Love the goggles)

 Playing with cousins at the Parade

  Playing in the pool (Loving the water)

  Helping Blaker's to answer the phone

 "He's gonna be a socca playa"

Oh my dear Blake!!  You are such a sweet baby.  Your colic is finally gone, WAHOOOO!!!  You are such a happy baby now, as long as you have food and naps!  You have two teeth, and you LOVE to smile and laugh!  You are not a big fan of swimming yet, but you LOVE taking baths!  I will always love you my sweet Blaker's!

  Catching a few ZZZZZ's

   Swimming (Not his favorite thing yet)

 Catching a catnap with daddy (I love how he's holding his daddy's hand)

  Fun times at the river

  Adorable baby!

Hanging out in the bucket, not his favorite thing either!

Casey is doing so well at work, and I am so proud of him!  He is a wonderful father, and an amazing husband!!  I love hanging out with you, and laughing over nothing anywhere anytime!  You are the cheese to my sandwich!  HA HA!  I will always love you baby bear!

I am loving being a mom and a wife!  Some days are harder than others, but I always have my sweet husband to make me laugh.  I am so grateful for this wonderful life!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Blake is 2 months old!

Our sweet Blake is 2 months old.  I can't believe how time has flown by!  He is getting so big.  He loves to smile and coo.  I still think his most favorite thing to do is cry.  It is going to be a great day when this little man doesn't have colic anymore!  We love him to pieces!

Weight: 12.7 65%
Height: 24.69 94%

Monday, May 7, 2012

Blake's Blessing

Blake was blessed on May 6, 2012.  Casey did a wonderful job!  It was so special and exciting to see our baby be blessed by his daddy. I love my family so much!

Baby Blake

Baby Blake William Greenwood was born on Monday March 12,2012.  He weighed 8lbs. 14oz.  21 inches long!  We are so blessed to have him in our lives.  We love him very much!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Lukie's Walking

It's a miracle, Luke is WALKING!!! And not a moment too soon with our new baby arriving any day!

Luke's MRI

My poor little Lukie had to have an MRI to check his brain stem to make sure everything was normal. I was a nervous wreck. I am grateful that everything turned out beautifully! I am most thankful for answered prayers in scary and difficult times!!
Lukie was a little champ. He didn't like getting the IV, but after they gave him the medicine to fall asleep, he was out! The nurses told me, that when most children wake up, they are soooo onry, and mad. In my mind, I thought that will be interesting to see Luke like that, because he is such a good boy! When he woke up from the medicine, he just started smiling, and I asked him if he wanted a drink and some food, and you can guess what he said "Shaking his head yes, and smiling ear to ear!" Luke loves to eat, and is the happiest little boy I know! I love him with all my heart, and I am so grateful for modern medicine, and prayer!

Joy School Field Trip

Kyle loves joy school!!! For a little field trip our great friend Amber set us up a tour at Great Harvest Bread Co. The kids LOVED it. They got to make their own bread, pretty much all the kids started out with something different and ended up with snakes; so cute! The employees talked to the kids about what goes into the bread, and how they make and bake it. The kids had so much fun!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

My little Climber

What more can I say than Lukie LOVES to climb!  Everywhere he goes, he is trying to climb onto or in something.  Love him!


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Superhero Kyle turns 4!

My baby boy turned 4 years old. I cannot believe how the time flies! He is my little buddy and I love him so much! I love talking to him about everything. He loves to talk, and have fun! He is hilarious, and is constantly saying funny things!

We had a superhero friend birthday party. We made capes with each child’s first letter in their name. Then the kids "flew" around like superheroes with their capes. We also played pin the batman sticker on batman. But the biggest hit of all was the piƱata. I was very thrilled that there were no black eyes, or broken anythings from this game! Oh my word was this a FUN day!




