Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Blake is 2 months old!

Our sweet Blake is 2 months old.  I can't believe how time has flown by!  He is getting so big.  He loves to smile and coo.  I still think his most favorite thing to do is cry.  It is going to be a great day when this little man doesn't have colic anymore!  We love him to pieces!

Weight: 12.7 65%
Height: 24.69 94%


Davis Family said...

Oh man! Trey had colic and I thought I was going to pull my hair out! Blake is so dang cute :) Hang in there!

Katie and Rob said...

Jackie, I am so sorry he has colic!!! That has to make it really hard, especially with 2 other very active boys. Hopefully the colic will pass soon. He is a handsome little man :) Can't believe he's already 2 months old

Meg and Reed said...

Ahhhhhhh! I hear the word colic and I want to shrivel up and die. It was so hard with sage. Let me know if you need some tips. The blow dryer and 2am bumpy stroller rides helped a little. I'm so sorry! I will be closer soon then we can play all the time!