My sweet husband started his new job today. He is now working at Zions bank corporate office in West Valley as a Project Manager. I am so proud of him for getting this new and exciting job! Another exciting thing is that we put our house up for sale, yahoo! We hope to move asap. If there is anyone who is interested, or knows anyone looking for a great townhouse, let me know! We are excited for this new step in our lives. We are looking at homes in North Salt Lake, and Bountiful, that's fun!
Casey, I am so proud of you and all you do for our family, you are the greatest husband and father in the whole world, love ya babe!

yeah for a new job!!! that is awesome! i'm sad that you guys are moving though! how much are you guys selling your townhome for and i'll spread the word?
Congrats to Casey! Way to go man! And best of luck selling your house and moving, that is never fun! Hope all is well-hope to see you soon, I want you to come to my baby shower in Sept, I will let you know all the details!
YAY! Congrats Casey! That is awesome. I know that you guys have been wanting to move. I hope it all works out for you.
You guys are such a neat couple and a darling family. I just adore Kyle..you can't help but be happy when you look at him! Thanks for the birthday gift for Alexander. That was sweet of you.
Good luck with house selling and moving. We will miss you when you go. Keep us know the official moving date when you know- we'd love to help with anything. Moving is such a big task!
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