Tuesday, October 7, 2008


What? Yes, it's true, our house is SOLD! We will miss that house, a lot of great memories were made there! We will miss all of our family and friends very much, but we are excited for this new step in our lives. We have been looking for a long time for a home that we could love, and we found our dream home. It is in Syracuse, and it was just built. We hope to move into this new home in about 2 weeks. My parents are fabulous and are letting us shack up with them until we can close on our new house. Stay tuned for pictures of the new aboad (I think that's how you spell it!)


Katie and Rob said...

yeah! I am so happy for you that you sold your place! Please post pictures, I am excited to see it. Moving is no fun, but I am sure loving decorating the new place. You should be getting an invite soon for my shower on Oct 25th, hope that you are not moving that day :) Hope to see you soon!

Chelsie said...

ah that's so exciting. i'm so glad that everything worked out for you guys. i bet your parents are loving having you there with them. we're going to the treehouse monday at 10 if you and little kyle want to come

Unknown said...

Congrats, on finding a new home!! "New starts" are always exciting! Have fun! Take lots of pictures so we can see your new home!

Meg said...

Hey Jackie this is Megan Roberts(Cluff) I hope you don't mind that I added you as a friend I got your site off of Chelise's. Your family is so sticking cute and YOur little man is adorable. And congrats on selling your house.


Hey congrats! What an exciting time for you guys. Let us know when you're in your new place. Klye is so cute. I'm sure your parents are loving having him around. Good Luck with everything. Let us know if you need any help.

Lindsey said...

Oh I am so happy for you! Really, that's just so exciting. For sure keep the pictures coming! You do know Kyle is going to miss me. Have you broken the news to him yet that we won't be in the same ward?

Meg and Reed said...

Yay1 That is so exciting. i can't wait to see pics of the new home. congrats. i miss you. Hope all is well. I just think Kyle is the cutest boy ever. he has the cutest smile I have ever seen.