Thursday, October 28, 2010

Little Luke and first bath

Luke was not a big fan of the bath, well he pretty much cried the whole time! We will off set the sad bath picture with darling happy ones that my sister took! (Side note, his skin in the bath picture looks like he has been in the tanning booth for a few hours, thanks to jaundice, but that went away with the lovely bili-bed which is like a little tanning bed in itself!)


Casey: Don't post the bath picture, Luke's skin looks like dirt.

Jackie: "What?" laughing hysterically!!!


S 'n H NGO said...

We are so happy for you. He is so beautiful. And whities like me would kill for that tan. ;)

Taffers Dawn said...

he is so fetching cute!!!! I wish I could just snuggle him all the time! I love the picture of Casey and Luke and then the one of you and Luke. You look absolutely gorgeous in that picture..not that you aren't usually. But it's a great picture!

Lindsey said...

UMMM HELLO!!!! I have never seen a more beautiful little baby...and that's saying something since I was rather smitten with my own girls. He is so precious. Now I want a little boy!!!