Kyle tried his first meal of rice cereal. He was trying so hard to figure out what I was putting in his mouth, and what he should do with it. He liked the first few bites, but after that he would start crying and just spit it back out. I kept feeding him the rice cereal for about a week, and then we tried sweet potatoes. He really wasn't a big fan. I just got a whole lot of "scrunched up nose faces" from him, so I decided we would hold off a little longer on the cereal and baby food, and I think that Kyle is fine with that (hee hee!)
We are so excited for the summer. I put Kyle in some of his summer outfits, and took some pictures. I know that is kind of lame, but I just love dressing him up, and then taking his picture. I just can't help it, he is so dang cute!
Kyle also loves to take his bath. By the end of his bathing process we both are drenched, because he thinks it is so funny to splash and get me wet! I can't help but laugh, he is my little sweetheart!

Oh, he is such a doll. I thought he looked a lot like Casey in some of those pictures...isn't it fun to see how they change? Lillie loved the "green" vegetables first, and then she got used to the sweet potatoes and carrots. He'll eventually probably love it all, enjoy this time right now, being able to save on baby food, it sure adds up!!
Jack! I'm so excited that you have a blog!! Little Kyle is so amazingly cute! I can't believe how tall he is! Maybe he can donate some to my short little guy. I agree with the costs of baby food...yikes! But it's so fun...and I totally dress coop up just to take pictures too! No worries! Can I add you guys as a link on our blog?
Oh you are the cutest little mom! Doesn't it feel kind of like playing house....getting them dressed, feeding them baby food, etc? I can't wait to see Kyle in real life. He is darling! We definitely need to meet up and play. You should come over and scrapbook, or we could go to the park or something (not that Kyle will be going down the slide anytime soon.) I'm also thinking we should meet Melissa at the zoo sometime. We will look for you guys at your mom's big graduation!
He is so stinkin' cute. I just love that sideways grin he does. Don't stress about the cereal, you can always try again in a few weeks!
I sure loved seeing you this last weekend. Kyle looks great in his spring digs! Love you!
dont feel dumb dressing him up they are like the cutest accessory we have ever had!
Jackie your baby is the cutest. Congrats I didn't even know you had a baby. By the way you look amazing.
Amy Miller Poulsen
Jackie! your family is so cute! I am so happy you have a blog. Check out my blog at www.sladeandshaydavis.blogspot.com
Jackie! I ran across your blog! I am so excited you have one. Now I can stay updated on how you guys are doing! Little Kyle is so stinkin' cute! I am so excited for you. You look very happy!
That is the cutest thing ever! Don't worry about the food, it comes. Taylor did the same thing but is an eating fool now. I can't wait for summer either! It will be nice to get these kids outside and in the fresh air.
Hey Jack! I'm having a modbe party on the 21st. Remember Lindsey Owens from dance? She's selling them now! Email me your address if you're interested. btoyn@comcast.net They have so super cute swimsuits and clothes.
JACKIE!! Oh my gosh, how have you been?? Your baby is so cute! His eyes are beautiful!
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